Modi wanted to wash away from himself the stains of the 2002 riots, and wanted to change his image and be seen as a thoughtful leader who favoured development, not only in India but also in the world community and gave APCO Worldwide the responsibility of doing this. In lieu of this, for the work APCO Worldwide would be doing, Modi gave the company a contract for 25, 000 US dollars to be paid to it every month. As a result, if today Gujarat tops amongst Indian States in the context of foreign investment, it is due to the lobbying done by APCO Worldwide.

Why Narendra Modi alone is the right candidate for the PM’s post, to explain this a campain called Modi Flying India is being started under which video games and comics will also be launched. In these comics and video games Modi will be shown as a super hero. This super hero called Modi will be seen fighting against corruption and emerging victorious in the comics and video games.
It is evident that Narendra Modi is very excited and hopeful about his brand building. Due to the same enthusiasm and confidence, Modi suggested in a meeting of the BJP Parliamentary Committee that the BJP too should give the responsibility of campaigning and dissemination to APCO. The BJP accepted the suggestion and has already held talks with APCO. Now the BJP will constitute a ten-member committee for communication and dissemination, which will work under the direction of Sukanti Ghosh and for the 2014 elections, will make the social media its special weapon and use it in the interests of the BJP. However, APCO Worldwide’s founder and CEO, Margery Kraus, denies that her company is running any campaign for making Narendra Modi the Prime Minister of India. Her company is working only on the Vibrant Gujarat mission and is promoting it in the international market and amongst the international community so that the foreign investors can be attracted and wooed to invest in Gujarat. But what needs to be understood here is that this programme too is an image building programme for Narendra Modi, so how can Margery Kraus deny the fact that she and her company are not running a campaign for Modi. However, to deal with the questions being raised about its lobbying for Modi, APCO Worldwide has linked up with a Delhi PR company called Aakriti, so that Aakriti’s name can be used as a front while APCO does the real work. Aakriti in turn has got dozens of PR companies working under it which are constantly searching for issues related to Modi and making strategies for him so that Modi’s name is always in the headlines. The PR companies have instructions that on the basis of information made available by Narendra Modi and his Government, Modi’s name and news related to him should be in not less than half a dozen regional and national newspapers, in local language newspapers, and on television channels every day. In addition, there should be denial of reports connected with controversies surrounding Modi, investigation of pros and cons, and reports glorifying Modi should be seen in the foreign media too. About one hundred and fifty PR persons are engaged in doing this – giving a shine to Modi’s image not only in Gujarat and Delhi but also Chhattisgarh, Bihar, Karnataka, West Bengal etc., and in States where assembly elections are to be held. Why Narendra Modi alone is the right candidate for the PM’s post, to explain this a campain called Modi Flying India is being started under which video games and comics will also be launched. In these comics and video games Modi will be shown as a super hero. This super hero called Modi will be seen fighting against corruption and emerging victorious in the comics and video games. It was in fact August 2007 itself that Modi had entered into an agreement with APCO Worldwide that it would, through Modi’s Vibrant Gujarat programme create awareness about Gujarat amongst international investors. APCO Worldwide was successful in meeting the objectives of this event, so Modi’s confidence in the agency increased. At that time assembly elections were about to take place in Gujarat. Modi wanted to wash away from himself the stains of the 2002 riots, and wanted to change his image and be seen as a thoughtful leader who favoured development, not only in India but also in the world community and gave APCO Worldwide the responsibility of doing this. In lieu of this, for the work APCO Worldwide would be doing, Modi gave the company a contract for 25, 000 US dollars to be paid to it every month. As a result, if today Gujarat tops amongst Indian States in the context of foreign investment, it is due to the lobbying done by APCO. You will recall the 2G scam in the telecom sector, in which a PR company called Vaishnavi Communications and the name of its owner Nira Radia popped up prominently as a culprit. You may also remember how Nira Radia, by allying with big statesmen, Union Ministers, heavyweight industrialists, famous journalists and bureaucrats tried to effect changes in India’s Central Cabinet. According to her convenience and her clients, she had got decisions influenced through Central Ministers, as a result of which there was a scam of thousands of crores of rupees. Nira Radia used her nexus to obtain the portfolios of their choice for MPs and she was successful too on the strength of her public relations. The above example has been given so that one can better understand how a PR company does the work of breaking and aligning people, a Government, the media, decision and policy makers and gets political decisions made for its own benefit. It is inevitable too that for APCO Worldwide there are lots of benefits for itself in the work it has undertaken. APCO Worldwide is a company which is American and has very deep relations with Israel. APCO Worldwide was a subsidiary of Arnold & Porter, one of Washington’s largest law firms and amongst the largest law firms in the world . Arnold & Porter was a company founded by Abe Fortas, who was Jewish and was the legal advisor to Lyndon B. Johnson, the 36th President of the United States. In American history, Lyndon Johnson is regarded as a pro-Israeli President. Later on, President Johnson appointed Abe Fortas as a judge in the Supreme Court. Thereafter Arnold & Porter became the Israel Government’s official agent company. Despite all this, Abe Fortas continued to be a partner in the company. Even today, in American courts this legal firm is an advocate of many Israelite officers and war accused and many amongst them are APCO Worldwide’s clients. Actually, the eyes of APCO Worldwide are on India’s rapidly rising GDP and its one trillion dollar market. India is playing an important role not only as the biggest democracy of the world but also in the form of an economic super power. The sectors in India which are in a position of the most growth are information and communication technology, entertainment, health care, food, consumer products and the retail, banking, financial services and insurance, energy and renewable energy sectors. APCO Worldwide’s focus in India is on these very sectors. America and other countries too want to interfere in India in these areas. And when Narendra Modi will become the Prime Minister, then APCO Worldwide will have domination and when APCO will have domination then economic and foreign policies too will be determined according to its functioning and convenience. Then through its contact the path will become easier for other countries to make investments in the areas of their choice and dominate various areas. It is clear that not only is Modi nurturing dreams of becoming the Prime Minister through APCO Worldwide, but APCO too has got a stake in Modi. This is why it is rejecting offers from political leaders like Naveen Patnaik, so that it can concentrate totally on the individual who has the potential of winning. Now it is evident that when a person becomes the Prime Minister due to the efforts of such a lobbying and PR company, how many benefits will accrue to and materialise for that company and how much control Israeli and US diplomats and politicians will have on the Government of India – an estimate of this can easily be made.
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